Keith & Linda Carter
About Me
Keith & Linda Carter
Reside in Bremen, Georgia.
Keith and Linda are the parents of Kyle and Tyler Carter.
What do you love about Victory Fellowship Church?
"The full Gospel of Jesus Christ that is preached. I love the worship and the wonderful people."~Linda
Favorite verse in the Bible.
"It's hard to just pick one, but I'll have to say John 3:16."~Linda
What do you do for fun?
"Spend time with my family whether it's eating, playing games or just being in each other's presence. If I am alone, my favorite thing is playing my piano and worshipping my Jesus!"~Linda
You are going to be stranded on a deserted island. If you could take any item with you for survival what would it be?
"A very LARGE print Bible."~Linda
Favorite Praise and Worship/Hymn song.
"Again, this is hard to narrow down to just one. Right now I am finding myself singing, "Oh Lord You're Beautiful" all the time."~Linda